The web site is not financial advice. You need to consider the risks and benefits of any investment strategy either on your own or, as we strongly recommend, with the assistance of a licensed financial planner.
The web site is not taxation advice. You need to consider the risks and benefits of any taxation strategy either on your own or, as we strongly recommend, with the assistance of a registered tax agent.
If you do use the strategies contained in this website, it is at your own risk. make no warranties, express or implied, that the taxation investment strategies are useful, reliable, or meet your requirements for any application, and should not be relied upon for carrying out any strategy that could result in injury to a person or loss of property.
In short, seek advice suited to your individual requirements before proceeding on any investment path; do not use the general examples or advice from this website. The materials provided on the website are here for informational purposes only. These materials are not intended as economic, financial, or monetary investment advice, therefore, will not be liable for loss, damages, or loss of profit resulting from the use of any information appearing on the website.