New Signs of the Elite
- Released: 2013
- 90 mins.
New Signs of the Elite: From Lindsey Williams: A few minutes ago I was on the phone with my elite friend. I must tell you what he said. The survival of your family will depend on it. You and your family do not need to suffer. Many people made great fortunes during the Great Depression in 1929. You can prosper during the days ahead if you heed what my Elite friend is advising me. I contacted a second Elite friend to confirm what the first had said. This DVD is made to tell what I was told. This DVD is compacted into one DVD and the offer is REDUCED 70% from the previous series of four discs. Now only $27. I feel everyone must know this information. I promised to let you know every time I receive something you need to know. You will not get this information from any other source. Cyprus - The startling Real Story The American Dollar - How long????? Healthcare - A trap America - The world's only hope Saudi Arabia - Look out Iran - Sabre rattling Derivatives - Collapse being discussed.

New Signs of the Elite
New Signs of the Elite DVD Available
New Signs of the Elite
From Lindsey Williams: A few minutes ago I was on the phone with my elite friend. I must tell you what he said. The survival of your family will depend on it. You and your family do not need to suffer. Many people made great fortunes during the Great Depression in 1929. You can prosper during the days ahead if you heed what my Elite friend is advising me. I contacted a second Elite friend to confirm what the first had said. This DVD is made to tell what I was told. This DVD is compacted into one DVD and the offer is REDUCED 70% from the previous series of four discs. Now only $27. I feel everyone must know this information. I promised to let you know every time I receive something you need to know. You will not get this information from any other source. Cyprus - The startling Real Story The American Dollar - How long????? Healthcare - A trap America - The world's only hope Saud Arabia - Look out Iran - Sabre rattling Derivatives - Collapse being discussed. Please obtain a DVD of this presentation to share with your family and friends.