Tragedy Hope Reality
- Released: 2009
- 3x DVDs
- Tragedy, Hope, Reality
- 209 mins.
Tragedy Hope Reality: Tragedy: The Elite have altered their time line and have established a two year agenda. In this DVD, you will know how much time you have - What will happen in America over the next two years according to the Elites plans - It is called, "The Devils Messiah." What does this term mean?
Hope: This DVD is all about MONEY according to the Elite. You will be so poor you will not be able to rebel against the Elite. What the Elite have planned for gold and silver prices (Their Currency). When is war scheduled?
Reality: Buzz words and how to listen to them. A forecast of scheduled events in chronological order. 2012 - Their plans. AMERICA'S ONLY HOPE - DIVINE INTERVENTION.



Tragedy Hope Reality DVD Available
Tragedy Hope Reality
Tragedy: The Elite have altered their time line and have established a two year agenda. In this DVD, you will know how much time you have - What will happen in America over the next two years according to the Elites plans - It is called, "The Devils Messiah." What does this term mean?
Hope: This DVD is all about MONEY according to the Elite. You will be so poor you will not be able to rebel against the Elite. What the Elite have planned for gold and silver prices (Their Currency). When is war scheduled?
Reality: Buzz words and how to listen to them. A forecast of scheduled events in chronological order. 2012 - Their plans. AMERICA'S ONLY HOPE - DIVINE INTERVENTION. Please obtain a DVD of this presentation to share with your family and friends.