The Next 4 Years
- Released: 2012
- 2x DVDs
- 211 mins.
The Next 4 Years: After the election, I contacted my Elite friend and asked the question, "What can we expect for the next four years?" The information I received was so startling that the only way I can explain it is to say - "The most startling thing anyone has ever heard since the founding of the United States." I did not feel free to give what I knew on a radio show until it was recorded first. Two DVDs have been produced since the election. It took three hours and twenty nine minutes to explain the information I had received. It discusses: Agenda's of the Elite, Food and water supply, Signs to help you make decisions, 40 billion dollars, Chickens coming home to roost, The Middle East, The life and death of the dollar, Iran plan, Greece - America & Frankenstorm.
The Next 4 Years (DVD 1)
The Next 4 Years (DVD 2)
The Next 4 Years DVD Available
The Next 4 Years
After the election, I contacted my Elite friend and asked the question, "What can we expect for the next four years?" The information I received was so startling that the only way I can explain it is to say - "The most startling thing anyone has ever heard since the founding of the United States." I did not feel free to give what I knew on a radio show until it was recorded first. Two DVDs have been produced since the election. It took three hours and twenty nine minutes to explain the information I had received. It discusses: Agenda's of the Elite, Food and water supply, Signs to help you make decisions, 40 billion dollars, Chickens coming home to roost, The Middle East, The life and death of the dollar, Iran plan, Greece - America & Frankenstorm. Please obtain a DVD of this presentation to share with your family and friends.